How Advanced Electrolysis works:
With Advanced Electrolysis Red Vein our experienced Electrologist can help with getting rid of broken capillaries or Telangiectasia on the face area.
A small electrical current is applied underneath the skin surface with a very fine needle that taps along the capillary to cauterize it and eliminate it.
It is virtually painless and can be done in a few minutes with no down time.
Usually 15 minute appointments are required for treatment.
A thorough consultation is done beforehand to ensure customer is suitable for this treatment.
Clients not suited to red vein treatment-
People with metal implants, pacemaker, High blood pressure or heart conditions, haemophilia ( blood clotting) Sunburn on the treatment site.
Skin reaction after red vein treatment and homecare.
Area appears slightly red with possible red dots. Soothing aloe vera gel is recommending for calming skin for 24 hours.
Pin prick small dots will remain and crust over. Do not attempt to remove or exfoliate the area they will crust over and disappear in 7 - 10 days.